Once assessed by the nurse, you will be called in to an examination room. Here, the emergency physician will
interview you once more and perform a thorough examination. Please note, that at this juncture, the doctor
will have in mind what we call a ‘working diagnoses’ and may ask permission to do certain investigations
(lab tests/x-ray/ECG/ultrasound) to confirm. At each step of the way, the doctor will explain what is being
done and the reason for doing so. Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask and they will be
more than happy to explain. Please note that a definitive diagnosis may not be made immediately as more investigations
(outside of the clinic) may be required, however, once the physician has gathered enough information treatment
is commenced. During your treatment, the nursing team as well as the doctor will check in intermittently, to
ensure that you are comfortable and are feeling better.
On the completion of treatment, you are discharged. Discharge usually includes:
- Advice from the physician to manage your condition or how best to avoid recurrence.
- Take home medications may or may not be prescribed.
- A plan to return, to monitor the condition/injury.
- Referral to a specialist doctor or another service provider (physiotherapy).
- Referral to our in-patient facilities on island (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital/Bayview Hospital)
Payment for services provided is made at the reception desk, where he/ she will outline, once more, the doctor’s plans on discharge.